Getting started is easy. Once you have an account with AutoBody Alliance you can simply log into the website to start customizing your list. On your first visit to the Custom Shop List page, you will be presented with an option to start with the AutoBody Alliance network list, or start from "scratch". From that point on you are presented with two basic lists, one is your list of selected network facilities, and the other is a list of facilities that are not selected that you can choose from. Since our database of shops covers the entire country, we provide options to narrow both lists by geography to make it a little more manageable. As you select shops to add to your list, a geographical map dynamically updates to show you the amount of coverage you have created. This map allows you to more easily determine the need for coverage based on geography and/or population. The map has several views that show individual points where facilities are located or a radius of coverage per shop to find "holes" in coverage in a particular area.