Autobody Alliance can help you find a dependable auto body repair shop anywhere in the United States. Whether in your own neighborhood or when you're away from home.
Search NowIn 21 years ABA and QCS have worked with nearly 200k body shops, cementing a reputation for fairness and building a rapport in the industry.
With an Average experience of over 12+ years, our Estimating and Auditing staff are ready well equipped to handle your claims, or augment your staff
Data drives decisions, good data drives good decisions.
We make sure that all parties have what they need to succeed with on demand reporting as well as Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Subscriptions.
The average Cycle Time for a photos estimate flowing through our system from receipt of photos to completed estimate.
Want to Join the AutoBody Alliance Family?
With benefits for all parties see how you can get going on our platform with either a scheduled demo, or with more pricing information at
Head to to start the process of certifying your shop and begin receiving assignments from our partners
Ready to leverage our DRP and dispatching mechanisms to drive costs down? Head to to learn more.
Ready to modernize traditional paper workflows? see how we can help at
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